Working Daughter is a community for people balancing eldercare with career, kids and more. Their mission is two-fold: to make sure no one goes through caregiving alone and to make care and career compatible.
The yearly membership includes access to a wealth of content and tools including:
A library of resources
Coaching calls
Directories to preferred eldercare providers
Discounts to services and products
Workbooks and checklists to get you organized
Workshops on topics like Balancing Career and Care, Self-care, Caregiving 101 and more
Access to private Retreats and Events
Working Daughter:
Working Daughter is a community for women balancing eldercare, career, kids and life.
Why we 🤍 them: There are 23 million working daughters and they are struggling to balance career and care. Working Daughter will not rest until they reach all of them - no one should go through this alone. We love that mission!