Bed of Nails is designed to make pressure adjustment simple and easy. The concept is similar to acupuncture, as the pressure of the rounded nails against the skin help the body release endorphins, the body’s very own “happiness drug”, providing a sense of joy, energy, pain relief, and more!
For an easy, on-the-go travel mat, Bed of Nails has removed the filler in this version of the beloved BON ECO. Now you can roll up your 100% organic linen mat and bring it anywhere. Simply drape it over any soft surface, like an armchair or bed, for a quick treatment.
The mat is made of 8,820 precision Acupressure Nails (210 x "42-nails" acupressure plates) made of 100% Non-Toxic Recyclable HIPS plastic secured to the linen fabric with a melting process rather than environmentally-damaging glue. The material is 100% Organic Linen Fabric, which requires less water to grow, is recyclable and biodegradable, and more hygienic as it breathes better.