Bed of Nails is designed to make pressure adjustment simple and easy. The concept is similar to acupuncture, as the pressure of the rounded nails against the skin help the body release endorphins, the body’s very own “happiness drug”, providing a sense of joy, energy, pain relief, and more!
The mat is composed of 8,820 precision Acupressure Nails (210 x "42-nails" acupressure plates) made of 100% Non-Toxic Recyclable HIPS plastic secured to the linen fabric with a melting process rather than environmentally-damaging glue. It's then covered with a breathy 100% organic linen fabric filled with 100% biodegradable coconut fiber, which gives the mat a heavier, more substantial feel and even more long-lasting strength.
About Bed of Nails
The mystical bed of nails originated over 1,000 years ago and was used by gurus in the practice of meditation and healing. Bed of Nails® has created a modern, ergonomically designed version of that ancient technology, with a Swedish twist, to model those same deep healing effects. With thousands of non-toxic recyclable plastic nails, the products are harmless to the skin, but with all the healing benefits of its legendary ancestor. Bed of Nails® (BON) brings the self-healing benefits of treatments, such as acupuncture and massage, into the homes and workplaces of people everywhere to create and sustain a healthy lifestyle amid the stresses of our modern world.
Why we 🤍 them: We love Bed of Nails because they were able to effortlessly bring the ancient tradition of meditation and healing into everyday people’s hands. Plus, their BON ECO collection is intentionally made with environmentally friendly coconut fiber and buckwheat hull.